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Best Therapies for Addiction

When it comes to therapies for addiction there are so many different options out there, it can feel overwhelming. But which ones are the best? What do they entail? Having a detailed list of options at their disposal can be helpful. Here, a person to make the best-informed decision on what could potentially help them overcome addiction.

Addiction is a disease that requires proper medical and professional care in order to keep its symptoms at bay. Understanding the different avenues available is beneficial for anyone seeking to get better.

Therapies Used in Addiction Medicine

As previously stated, there are a variety of different therapies for addiction that one can utilize. They can help improve their life and implement positive and healthy coping skills into everyday life. They are a vital component to successfully healing and gaining recovery from addiction. These range from traditional to holistic, and can benefit each person differently.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapies for addiction can be extremely beneficial for those who participate in them. A person sits one-on-one with a licensed therapist. Then, they are able to discuss and identify the root causes of their addiction. Identifying the potential trigger can help people work through and heal from underlying trauma. This can help create positive coping techniques for the future Having a safe space to explore any underlying mental health concerns, or any past traumas can be a starting point for learning healthy coping mechanisms that can be used in place of substances.

Group Therapy

Allowing for multiple people to meet with one or more licensed therapists at the same time, group therapies for addiction can create a space where someone can become more comfortable opening up by hearing other people’s struggles in life. Along with those struggles that contribute to addiction, goals and wants for a life in recovery can be identified and verbalized so that a plan of action can begin to form. This setting can help others who may never have tried to live a life of recovery before know that they are not alone in what they are thinking or feeling.


MAT, or medication-assisted treatment, is a form of medicated therapy. This allows those who are trying to maintain recovery to have a way to make it through intensely uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms with minimal to no discomfort. Being able to safely and comfortably manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings can make all the difference when someone is trying to get and stay clean and sober.

Holistic Therapy

Holistic therapies for addiction are complimentary and gentle therapies focusing on the body, mind, and spirit. They include practices like meditation, Reiki, qigong, and yoga. Yoga and meditation have been proven to provide a release for stress and anxiety, especially in the early stages of recovery. Reiki uses touch for healing, and many believe it can reduce health and mental health conditions.

Why Are They Useful?

Anyone who has attempted a life of recovery before and had a relapse can attest to how much therapy benefitted them. Being able to address and work through some of the challenges that potentially led to the addiction in the first place can only make getting through the hard days a lot easier. Where negative coping skills once lived, healthy and positive ones now exist. Instead of turning to drugs and alcohol, there are safer and better things someone can turn to in order to maintain their recovery. All of these skills can be learned in the different therapies for addiction.

12 Steps

12-Step programs can be one of the more beneficial ways of maintaining recovery. Having a support group of like-minded individuals, who have been exactly where a struggling addict or alcohol is at any given moment, and somehow made it through to give their experience can be the reason someone chooses to not turn to substances for relief. Therapies for addiction, in conjunction with the 12 Steps can be the driving force any person could use as a means to stay clean and sober, even when they don’t want to or feel that they can.

Using Therapies After Rehab

Just because rehab is over, doesn’t mean that a person is cured. Therapies for addiction can continue long after rehab has ended. Life still happens, and things get uncomfortable. Having those safety nets in place, like a therapist to turn to for guidance, can help to keep someone clean and sober just one more day. One more day without using substances is a successful day in the recovery world. 

Healing From Addiction in Louisville, KY

When it comes to addiction, the best thing someone can do is seek help. Regardless of how bad they think it is, it can always get worse. At Louisville Addiction Center we offer a variety of therapies that can help to begin and maintain the path of recovery needed in order to live a normal life. Don’t let shame or guilt get in the way of getting the help you deserve. We understand addiction and can help.

If you or a loved one are struggling, call us today and we will help guide you through these beginning stages as you begin a life of recovery and healing.