Our Blog

What is the Relationship between Alcohol and Anger?
June 21, 2024
It is a common occurrence for people to feel like a different person when they are drunk. Alcohol and anger often go hand in hand, causing drastic personalit…

Exploring OP And IOP for Mental Health
May 17, 2024
Turning to OP and IOP for mental health treatment can be beneficial. This is especially true when an individual has found themselves struggling with conditio…

Keeping Your Job While Attending Rehab
April 19, 2024
Many people are unaware that they can keep their jobs while attending rehab. Professional addiction treatment centers work with the individual and their empl…

Cirrhosis: Facts, Myths and Dangers
March 15, 2024
The liver is an extremely vital organ within the human body, cirrhosis can cause major impacts to an individual’s health. This is an extremely dangerous cond…

Trauma and Substance Abuse
February 16, 2024
Trauma and substance abuse can go hand in hand in some cases. Often, individuals who have experienced trauma turn to the use of drugs and alcohol as a means …

Mixing Klonopin and Xanax: Effects and Risks
January 5, 2024
Using drugs is a dangerous game, and those dangers are only heightened when the drugs are mixed. Klonopin and Xanax hold these same dangers when they are com…

What Are the Early Signs of a Relapse?
December 15, 2023
Anyone in recovery from drugs or alcohol dreads the thought of relapsing. Relapse occurs in different stages, each marked by its early warning signs of relap…

What Are the Benefits of Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP)?
December 1, 2023
Struggling with substance abuse or mental health is something that impacts the lives of a significant amount of people on a daily basis. Knowing PHP benefits…

BIPOC Community and Addiction
November 17, 2023
The link between the BIPOC community and addiction is similar to that of other communities of people and addiction. Substance abuse can affect anyone from an…

Alcohol Addiction: Timeline, Withdrawal, and Treatment
October 20, 2023
Alcohol detox is a necessary part of getting better and healing from addiction to this substance. It can help to prevent severe complications and impacts on …