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Rehab Costs

Individuals seeking help for addiction to drugs and alcohol often wonder how much rehab costs. This is a healthy and valid question when it comes to seeking help to overcome addiction. The true cost of rehab will vary from program to program. This varying in costs is due to a number of factors, and these factors can include the length of stay, any amenities offered, services provided, and type of program.

Regardless of rehab costs, getting this professional help for addiction makes a huge difference in the lives of people struggling with addiction on a daily basis.

Cost Factors: Length of Stay

One of the factors that can contribute to rehab costs is length of stay. Someone who participates in an addiction treatment program for a shorter amount of time will often have a lower cost for this treatment. Some programs offered are 30-day programs, while others can continue for 90 days or more. The cost for addiction treatment will vary from program to program based on length of stay.

Staying Local Versus Traveling for Treatment

There are rehabs located across the country that can help with addiction to drugs and alcohol

Individuals seeking help often have the option to stay local for treatment or travel outside of their area to receive the care they need for addiction. Rehab costs for those who are traveling can vary depending on a few factors. These can include ease of accessibility and location. A resort-style program in the mountains or on the beach will generally have a higher cost due to the exotic nature and feel of the program.

Facility and Amenity Types

Different rehab programs offer different types of amenities. These amenities can affect rehab costs. Holistic therapies such as massage therapy, acupuncture, and yoga can contribute to the cost of a stay in a rehab program. Some programs also offer private rooms or suites, gourmet meals, and other high-end services that can affect the total cost of rehab. Those seeking out these high-end amenities when looking for an addiction treatment program will generally have a higher cost for treatment. 

Inpatient Costs

Different levels of care will also come with different costs for treatment. An inpatient stay such as detoxification or residential treatment comes with a higher cost due to its all-inclusive nature. This means that room and board, meals, and a lot of other factors can be included in daily rehab costs. Inpatient rehab is often a necessary first step for individuals seeking recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol. Furthermore, inpatient rehab can be a beneficial first step to overcoming addiction.

Outpatient Costs

When it comes to rehab costs, outpatient rehab is usually the cheaper option as far as cost. Because an outpatient stay usually does not include room and board, meals, and snacks, and is less intensive, the cost is significantly less. Outpatient is usually a form of treatment suitable for individuals who have undergone detox to remove the substances from the system and that are more stable.

Because outpatient is less invasive, and addiction professional staff is not available 24/7 as with inpatient, it requires medical and mental health stability in order to ensure a person’s safety through this process. 

Scholarships, Grants, and Programs to Help

Someone who is wondering about rehab costs has options to help cover these expenses. Addiction is a disease that affects an astronomical number of people on a daily basis, and there are a number of resources available in order to make rehab attainable for everyone. There are a number of resources that can help to cover the costs of professional addiction treatment. These include scholarships from the facility themselves.

Many different programs offer help on a scholarship basis to provide necessary help at little to no cost out of pocket. There are also different grants available through addiction recovery foundations that help individuals in need of this help to get the care they need. Researching different resources and reaching out can help rehab become a reality.

Insurance to Cover Rehab Costs

Insurance is the best way to cover rehab costs. Following the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), most private insurance companies followed suit to offer addiction treatment, as addiction is a chronic and relapsing disease affecting the lives of thousands of people every day. Each plan will vary, and outside of the individual’s responsibility (deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums), the insurance plan could cover a majority of rehab costs.

The way to identify the specifics of any given plan is to reach out and verify the coverage. Therefore, calling any rehab facility can help as they can perform a verification of benefits and shed light on the spectrum of coverage. 

Healing Begins With Rehab

Addiction to drugs and alcohol is something that affects hundreds of thousands of individuals on a daily basis. Addiction can be life-threatening and life-altering. To avoid major impacts to everyday life, sometimes professional help is needed. This helps provide a safe, stable, and healing environment in which an individual can begin a journey of healing and growth to overcome addiction.

If you or a loved one are struggling, we can help. At Louisville Addiction Center we offer much-needed care for individuals who are struggling with drugs and alcohol.

Reach out today and begin gaining the benefits of professional care.