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Risks of Mixing Ketamine and Alcohol

Mixing ketamine and alcohol often leads to dangerous and devastating results. Ketamine is medically used as an anesthetic. However, illicitly it can be used as a hallucinogen. Mixing it with alcohol can lead to some adverse and life-threatening reactions.

This can result in minor health issues as well as more severe consequences like overdose, coma, and death. Knowing the signs of a ketamine and alcohol overdose can be crucial to ensuring someone’s safety if they are combining these 2 substances.

Risks of Mixing Ketamine and Alcohol

Mixing ketamine and alcohol affects different neurotransmitter systems in the brain. Some of the effects of these substances can be similar and become heightened when the two are mixed. This can result in over-intoxication in people who are using alcohol and ketamine simultaneously. Also, this can result in an increased risk of memory loss, slowed breathing, coma, and death.

Additionally, mixing ketamine and alcohol can result in urological issues. People who mix the two often report lower abdominal pain, increased urination frequency, blood in urine, and pain when urinating. Consequently, using these 2 substances together can result in an increased risk of bladder infections.

Effects of Ketamine

Ketamine is a powerful dissociative anesthetic that has a range of effects. In small doses, it can produce a dissociative state leading to an altered perception of reality. In addition, it can also lead to feelings of detachment from the body and a person’s surroundings. As such, this effect contributes to ketamine being used illicitly as a hallucinogenic drug.

With chronic use, the effects of ketamine can be long-lasting. Psychological and physical addiction may occur as a result of chronic use and abuse of this substance. Cognitive and bladder issues are also potential effects of prolonged use of this drug. 

Signs of Ketamine Abuse

Knowing and identifying signs of ketamine abuse can be a catalyst to someone receiving proper help before things get out of control. Moreover, having the right help, and learning positive coping skills is crucial to being able to emerge from the grips of addiction to this substance and begin a healthier, happier life.

Someone struggling with ketamine abuse could exhibit some signs that can be indicative of needing help. Thus, these signs include things like hiding the reality of their use, social withdrawal, financial problems, neglecting responsibilities, frequent and continued use despite negative results, slurred speech, impaired coordination, impulsivity, and withdrawal symptoms. 

Finally, identifying these signs in a loved one can help them seek and accept help to get better. Proper psychological and medical care can help someone who is struggling with ketamine abuse. And, to find a way out to begin living a healthier, happier, and rewarding life in recovery.

Signs of Ketamine and Alcohol Overdose

Mixing ketamine and alcohol can result in an overdose of these substances. Knowing the signs of a ketamine/alcohol overdose can help someone identify it is occurring and reach out for medical intervention to prevent devastating results.

Signs to look out for include:

  • Slowed or shallow breathing
  • High blood pressure
  • Impaired motor function
  • Seizures
  • Mental confusion
  • Vomiting
  • Unconsciousness
  • Clammy skin
  • Slowed heart rate
  • Low body temperature

Identifying these potential overdose signs can help to save someone’s life. Seeing these signs in someone who is mixing ketamine and alcohol and calling 911 immediately can help reverse the effects of the substances and lead to positive outcomes.

Surviving a ketamine and alcohol overdose depends on many factors of the person who is using the substances. This includes how much of the substances they have used, their age and health, as well as other factors. Struggling with polysubstance abuse is dangerous. However, help is available for those who are struggling and need it. 


Anyone struggling with substances can attest to its difficult nature. Undergoing the detox process is a necessary step when it comes to overcoming addiction and dependence on these harmful substances. Often, people struggling with things like ketamine and alcohol have a hard time just stopping use without professional intervention. Whereas, having proper support and care as someone is going through the detox process makes a huge difference in the outcome of the attempt. 

Withdrawal symptoms are uncomfortable and have potentially dangerous effects. Due to its uncomfortable nature, people struggling often return to using the substances to alleviate the symptoms. Proper professional support helps to prevent this from happening.

Alleviating the symptoms during ketamine and alcohol detox can be beneficial when someone is trying to overcome dependence and addiction to these substances. Removing these toxic substances from the body is essential to begin the healing process of substance abuse and addiction. Reaching out for help is a courageous and life-changing decision.

Ketamine and Alcohol Treatment 

Struggling with a substance use disorder is a difficult experience for anyone. Ketamine and alcohol are no different. The impacts that these substances can have on someone’s life can be severe and life-altering. If you or a loved one are struggling with ketamine and alcohol, Louisville Addiction Center can help. Our team of professionals is available to help those struggling to find hope and recovery.

Contact us to begin a journey to a new healthier and happier way of life.